Friday, March 26, 2010

Did someone just tell me that u said u picked me up when i am in need...???
N now u know the real...?? hahahahahahha!!!

While i was with u, whenever people talk bad bout u , i will scold them n protect u , eventhough i know what they say is true..Hmm how stupid can i be, maybe next time I should just agree to it (since its the truth afterall)

Dream on girl.. I never need u in my life... Its always u who wants attention.. Like BFs, frens and stuff..
If u need more clarification..?u can call me and ask me..


Alnissa needs a break on Friday, March 26, 2010

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tanda-tanda Kiamat semakin hampir:

1) Penaklukan Baitulmuqaddis. Dari Auf b. Malik r.a. katanya,Rasulullah s.a.w telah bersabda:
'Aku menghitung 6 perkara menjelang hari kiamat.' Baginda menyebutkan salah 1 diantaranya, iaitu penaklukan Baitulmuqaddis.'
- Sahih Bukhari

Hakikatnya : dah jadi dah...

2) Zina bermaharajalela.
'Dan tinggallah manusia2 yang buruk, yang seenaknya melakukan persetubuhan seperti himar (keldai). Maka pada zaman mereka inilah kiamat akan datang.' - Sahih Muslim

Hakikat : dah nampak dah...

3) Bermaharajalela alat muzik.
'Pada akhir zaman akan terjadi tanah runtuh, rusuhan & perubahan muka'. Ada yang bertanya kepada Rasulullah; 'Wahai Rasulullah bila hal ini terjadi?' Baginda menjawab: 'Apabila telah bermaharajalela bunyian(muzik) & penyanyi² wanita' - Ibnu Majah

Hakikat : S'pore Idol, Malaysian Idol, Akademi Fantasia, Anugerah²...

4) Menghias masjid & membanggakannya.
'Di antara tanda2 telah dekatnya kiamat ialah manusia bermegahan dalam mendirikan masjid' - Riwayat Nasai.

Hakikat : memang dah nampak dah...

5) Munculnya kekejian, memutuskan kerabat & hubungan dengan tetangga tidak baik.
'Tidak akan datang kiamat sehingga banyak perbuatan & perkataan keji, memutuskan hubungan silaturahim & sikap yang buruk dalam tetangga.' - Riwayat Ahmad dan Hakim.

Hakikat : ada anak tak mengaku ada mak/bapak pasal malu, ada kawan pun bermuka2.

6) Ramai orang soleh meninggal dunia.
'Tidak akan datang hari kiamat sehingga Allah mengambil orang2 yang baik& ahli agama di muka bumi, maka tiada yang tinggal padanya kecuali orang2 yang hina dan buruk yang tidak mengetahui yang makruf dan tidak mengingkari kemungkaran' - Riwayat Ahmad

Hakikat : boleh kira berapa jer para ulama' yg tinggal...

7) Orang yang hina mendapat kedudukan terhormat.
'Di antara tanda semakin dekatnya kiamat ialah dunia akan dikuasai oleh Luka' bin Luka'(orang yang bodoh & hina). Maka orang yang paling baik ketika itu ialah orang yang beriman yang diapit oleh2 orang mulia' - Riwayat Thabrani

Hakikat : lihat saja manusia bernama George Bush, Ariel Sharon....

8) Mengucapkan salam kepada orang yang dikenalnya sahaja.
'Sesungguhnya di antara tanda2 telah dekatnya hari kiamat ialah manusia tidak mahu mengucapkan salam kepada orang lain kecuali yang dikenalnya saja.' - Riwayat Ahmad

Hakikat : jiran sesama Islam pun tak bertegur sapa...

9) Banyak wanita yang berpakaian tetapi hakikatnya telanjang.
Diriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah r.a. 'Di antara anda² telah hari kiamat ialah akan muncul pakaian² wanita & apabila mereka memakainya keadaannya seperti telanjang'.

Hakikat : fesyen zaman skarang (tube, spaghetti strap, g-string, ala dedah tak abis-abis.)...

10) Bulan sabit kelihatan besar.
'Di antara tanda2 telah dekatnya hari kiamat ialah menggelembung(membesarnya) bulan sabit.' - Riwayat Thabrani

Hakikat : tak caya gi tengok...

11! ) Banyak dusta & tidak tepat dalam menyampaikan berita.
'Pada akhir zaman akan muncul pembohong2 besar yang datang kepadamu dengan membawa berita2 yang belum pernah kamu dengar & belum pernah didengar oleh bapa2 kamu sebelumnya, kerana itu jauhkanlah dirimu dari mereka agar mereka tidak menyesatkanmu & memfitnahmu' - Sahih Muslim

Hakikat : try baca akhbar2 & majalah² yg popular skarang nie...

12) Banyak saksi palsu & menyimpan kesaksian yang benar.
'Sesungguhnya sebelum datang nya hari kiamat akan banyak kesaksian palsu & disembunyikan kesaksian yang benar.' -Riwayat Ahmad

Hakikat : tengok kes peperangan Iraq dan terbaru, iran diheret ke penipuan Amerika dan Britian...

13) Negara Arab menjadi padang rumput & sungai.
'Tidak akan datang hari kiamat sehingga negeri Arab kembali menjadi padang rumput & sungai²' - Sahih Muslim

Hakikat : Dubai dah turun salji... Mina dah kene banjir...


Alnissa needs a break on Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Friday, March 12, 2010

I woke up at 3 am in the morning N i cant sleep untill now....
I miss U so much! I feel like calling u but I just dun wanna disturb ur sleep..
Tommorrow u have a big event to carry out..
I love U ...

Alnissa needs a break on Friday, March 12, 2010

Thursday, March 4, 2010

My BF asked me to be SMART .. SO i did it!
hahahha.. Call me a loser..!
Yeah.. L-O-S-E-R!
hehe..OK i shut up!

Alnissa needs a break on Thursday, March 04, 2010

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Today i am happy!

Alnissa needs a break on Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

1. Besides your lips, where is your favourite spot to get kiss?
i dun kiss, sorie..hee

2. How do you feel when you wake up this morning?

3. Who was the last person you took photo with?
Rawiyah Rahmat... =)

4. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
Nope...Seriously...I am not spoiled dun believe ask people ard me...

5. Would you ever donate blood?
Yeah its gonna be my 4th time ....

6. Have you ever had a best friend who was the opposite sex?
Nope , eh wait, yea I have.. eh wait?? Nope, eh..hmmm, readers, u decide, used to have but now no longer coz we ended in love!

7. Do you want someone dead?
Nope, i am not heartless okay, i believe in wat goes ard comes ard ..hmmmm

8. What does your last message says?
Good NIte!

9. What are you thinking right now?
Going out..

10. Do you wish someone to be with you right now?
Not so...

11. What is the time you go to bed last night?
7am In the morning..hahah Yeah stayed up the whole nite.

12. What You Are wearing Right now? OMG!

13. Is someone on your mind?

14. Who was the last person who texted you? Yaya

Choose 10 random people to do this survey.

4-Kak alos
5-Kak rina

16. Who is no. 2 having relationship with?

17. Is no. 3 a male or female?

18. If no. 7 & no. 10 get together, would it be a good thing?
Hahahahaahh!!!! Nope...

19. What is no. 1 studying about?
This gorgeous lady is werking daa..

20. When was the last time you had a chat with them?

21. Is no. 4 single?
Single n available...

22. Say something about no. 3

23. What do you think about no. 3 & no. 5 being together?

24. Describe no. 9
My friend

25. What will you do if no. 6 & no. 7 fight?
They cannot fight..hahahah

26. Do you like no. 8?
OF course!

Alnissa needs a break on Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Monday, March 1, 2010

I dun know these few days i just feel so damn angry thinking of U... I just hate u so much BITCH! Thanks for being such a "wonderful friend" to me.
What???!! did i heard u said u were always there for me when i needed u .. ??? ahahhaha! Joke of the century!!!As far as i know of this, it was ALWAYS the opposite way.... It was ALWAYS ME that is ALWAYS THERE for u even u MISTREAT ME! Thinking, that u would change i always forgave ur mistake n be friend with u again.. But what i get..??? N-U-T-I-N-G!!!!

I wonder whats ur motive of being my friend??? Issit because u can get sumting out of me..? For ur own beneficial..? Or maybe u just being my friend to make sumone jealous!!??! As in Aishah..?? Or yarr, u can use me to actually make her jealous and make her feels that she is alone??? Taking pictures together with me so that Aishah would feel jealous of 'US' which u potrayed as happy GFs, which i'm stupidly following becoz i didnt realised then..? PFFT!

Coz as far as i am concern U ONLY BEFRIEND 'POPULAR' PEOPLE.. Hmmm let me give a name.. SAMANTHA PEREIRA.. ???? Coz All u wanted was to be the most popular girl and the hottest stuff on earth.. U and ur dreams can go and die!

I wish Tiara will one day noe wat type of " FRIEND" u are.. I hope one day sumone will tell her all the bad things u talk behind her back n sum of the secrets that u LEAKED to me! OOPPPSIES! I wish she knows that u always call her IMMATURE or unable to handle her problems correctly.. Its her wish to be with Fareez or not... And its her wish to choose her OWN path in her OWN life! I wish she would noe what kind of a badmouth u are! OH ya! NOT only Tiara, but our other friends.

U kept commenting about people but have u wonder what kind of person are u?!????!
I tot GOD gave sum obvious imperfections to U, for an EXAMPLE natural-born defects on ur leg with those hideaous scar on so that u will always remember to be humble and dun act like as in u own the world and people are all ur slaves that u can use them for ur own beneficial... But its the other way round. I am NOT perfect either, and i noe ITs WRONG FOR ME to say ALL this.. But UR ATTITUDE force me to do so! I had enuff of ur nonsensical n hypocrite dramas bitch.. Maybe as a friend i was too direct with my words but at least i am not a hypocrite n a bitch like u !

Oh ya... before i go the bitch i am talking about is none other than my very 'GOOD' friend, WHo ever know abt it then know lorrr...Hahahhah!
Aniways, it my blog, So its my say!

Alnissa needs a break on Monday, March 01, 2010

+This is me+

♥My Blog, My Say, So kindly RESPECT
♥06 May 1988



March 2010